As a literary agent, I have learned that there are professions in which it is essential to have a vocation. In my case, I feel that moving around the publishing world is as beautiful as it is complicated, and that someone who is not motivated enough to work in this sector can quickly back out. It’s interesting to think that the worst thing that can happen in my job is for someone to make a mistake and cause us to lose money. However, when I think of another profession such as medicine, I realize that there it is essential to have a strong vocation. It is important to know how to manage emotions and tensions since the slightest mistake can cost you a life. From this interest in medicine was born LA DOCTORA (“The Doctor”), published by Ediciones B and signed by Sílvia Tarragó, author of EL TIEMPO DE LA LUZ (“The Time of Light”) o EL OBRADOR DE LOS PRODIGIOS (“The Workshop of Wonders”, a work that will soon be published in Germany by Heyne Verlang).
LA DOCTORA is a novel that manages to portray the 1950s, just when the first generation of women began to practice medicine. It was these pioneers who had the courage to want to be doctors in a hostile territory dominated by men. Inspired by the real-life testimonies of female doctors of the time, this novel shows their battle to overcome the misgivings of a society that, thanks to them, is beginning to change. Paloma, Almudena, Pilar and Victoria are the protagonists of this story and together they make up an exciting tale in which medicine is an essential element.
Thanks to the author’s meticulous research, LA DOCTORA manages to build an impeccable story that perfectly portrays the society of the time through some very real and close characters. Without a doubt, the name of Sílvia Tarragó is a guarantee of a good novel.