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Bruno Blog

Sandra Bruna Literary Agency


Author: Bruno Thursday 14 May 2020

This blog is special for several reasons. The first one is that, despite the pandemic we are living through, bookstores have already opened their doors and publishers are already starting to publish those new books that were stopped because of the virus. One of these new titles that finally reaches the shelves is EL MISTERI D’ARTHUR RIMBAUD (“The Mystery of Arthur Rimbaud”), by Miquel Esteve, the winner of the Mallorca Prize.

The second reason why I am happy to write this blog is to be able to dedicate it to my great friend Miquel Esteve, whom I admire a lot as a writer and as a person. EL MISTERI D’ARTHUR RIMBAUD reaffirms the talent of the author who, with a delicate subject like the forbidden poem by the great poet Rimbaud and his disappearance, manages to get the novel hooked from start to finish. 

It was said that it was an accursed poem, which travelled from France to Reus and from Reus to Móra la Nova, where it remained secretly for many years. However, all the secrets end up being discovered, even the most hidden ones. This is a novel for all audiences that, written in a sublime way, tells us about poetry and the mystery that surrounds the famous poet. Do you want to know what curse the poem hid? What did the French poet predict? Do not miss this work published by Univers, in which Miquel takes a step forward as a writer and brings us closer to the world of poetry in a simple and charming way.


Author: Bruno Thursday 7 May 2020

It makes me very happy to think that this may be the last week that I don’t have any new books to recommend on the blog.  The world seems to be slowly and cautiously getting back on track. The small shops are already starting to open their blinds and we are all happy to be able to return to a new normality. However, we must make an effort and face up to the fear of the uncertainty of the future, as only then will the wheel start to turn.

I would be delighted to recommend you to all those books that are finally going to arrive in the bookshops.   Besides, I am sure that in this confinement we have gained readers, since many people have taken advantage of these days to meet again with the pleasure of reading. Our mission is to continue to keep all the readers with the desire to continue cultivating reading, which, without a doubt, is a great companion.

Today I take this opportunity to recover all those books that came out just before the confinement, such as Rabietas, by Miriam Tirado; Set dies de Gràcia, by Carla Gracia; La llibertat interior, by Gaspar Hernàndez; #ConVinoConTodo, by Meritxell Falgueras and La Doctora, by Sílvia Tarragó. You have at your disposal the synopsis of all these news in our website.It is important that you give them the opportunity they deserve and that they are not buried by the new books. These titles were working very well and predicted many sales for a Sant Jordi that finally could not be held and some presentations that could not be organized.  At least, we have been lucky enough that the authors have gone out of their way to help their readers and have been able to keep in touch with all their followers through the social networks. I hope that we can all go out soon and approach our trusted bookstores to acquire these fantastic titles. Remember: books are life. 


Author: Bruno Thursday 30 April 2020

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and it’s hard to think that I won’t be able to celebrate it with my mum. My relationship with my mother has always been very special, I have shared everything with her. When I was a child, I saw her as an example to follow: orderly, hard-working and a fighter. I miss the vitality she gave off and those blue eyes that left no one indifferent. This week we would like to recommend UNA MADRE (“A Mother”), a book translated into 12 languages that only an author like Alejandro Palomas could have written.

UNA MADRE tells us the story of Amalia, a woman who tries to bring the whole family together on the last night of the year. It is a dramatic story full of humor that shows us that we only have one mother and that only they know how to take care of us and love us without limits. UNA MADRE is a tribute to all the women who know that being a mother is something inexplicable and for life.


Author: Bruno Thursday 16 April 2020

Watching the news these days is hard. It hurts me to see how this virus has emptied the streets, taken away our routines and left us without kisses and hugs. We are all at home taking care of our loved ones and wanting to know when it will all be over.

Today in the news the director of Caritas spoke about those people who cannot afford to live in a house with light, water and gas. I could not suppress my tears when I thought about how bad they must all be having. It also made me think of the differences that still exist in our society. This virus has put us all on the same level and shown us that we can all be vulnerable at some point.

Unfortunately, there are no magic recipe books that present us with the ideal equation to solve this global crisis. I think that the key is that we must all start working on building a better world. Therefore, I would like to recommend today two books that can help us to redirect our current situation. One of them is MONEY MINDFULNESS (Grijalbo), written by Cristina Benito, which explains how we can manage money in a more intelligent and lasting way. The other one is PEQUEÑO CURSO DE MAGIA COTIDIANA (Libros Cúpula, “Small Daily Course”), by Anna Sólyom, which with very simple tricks is able to teach us to be more serene, calm and stronger to face everything that comes our way. Without a doubt, two readings that we should keep very much in mind to face what is coming.


Author: Bruno Thursday 2 April 2020

This is the third blog I’ve done from home because of confinement. I know it’s important that we stay positive and not fall into the drama, but I recognize that there are times when it’s inevitable. It’s getting hard for me, not just because I can’t leave the house, but also because of the uncertainty and thinking about all those people who are losing their loved ones. I am surprised at how my son and my nephews are able to cope with this better than I am. They are the real heroes of this situation; I have no doubt.

I am lucky that my teenager is making it very easy for me, but I know that those families with young children must be living a constant struggle. With this in mind, today I would like to recommend RABIETAS (“Tantrums”), the latest book by Míriam Tirado, a new author that I am very excited to introduce to you. The book should already be in bookstores, but due to the current situation, it has been impossible. However, today we can already find it in eBook format on any digital platform. I’m sure it will be very useful reading for all those parents who have their children at home these days.

In this book, Miriam explains that the tantrums of the little ones are an essential aspect in their development and that we must learn to deal with them. She gives us very useful advice to learn how to deal with these tantrums through awareness, humor and love. It is important that we learn these tools to transform ourselves and see the world from the conviction that the future depends on the education we all give our children.

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