TOTS ELS CONTES by Maria Barbal
Today it is time to talk again about a great author since Columna publishes Tots els contes by Maria Barbal this Christmas. In my opinion, I have already said on several occasions that representing Maria is a luxury because she was an author I discovered at school with PEDRA DE TARTERA and has been a reference in our country’s literary field. That is why I believe that this beautiful hardcover edition, which brings together all the stories of this great author, is one of the best Christmas gifts that good readers could make to their beloved ones or themselves. In addition, there are some unpublished stories and, although it is always said that the short story is a genre that does not work, I have always thought that this is a literary legend because good stories make you reflect and, as we live immersed in the culture of immediacy, it is an ideal antidote for a generation that lives in the moment. It is compressed literature, but of great quality; therefore, it is an ideal way to encourage us to continue knowing an author who is a mainstay in Catalan literature and thus give voice to a genre such as the short story, which we must continue to cultivate and that only authors with a very good style, as is the case of Maria, are able to explain a great story in very few words. I think that the short story is a difficult register reserved for the great masters of literature, such as Maria Barbal.