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Castellano: Umbriel
Castellano: STORYTEL AB


Genre: Contemporary Thriller
Topic: Fiction
Number of pages:

An amazing thriller book about corruption in politics, written by the unmistakable stamp of Paz Castelló. La Llave 104 (the Key 104) is the new book by the winner of the Galardón del Mediterráneo 2018, that in addition, was chosen winner by the own readers.

A lucid portrait of the crisis and a cry against corruption in the midst of the drama of two women whose lives are randomly interlaced. Virgina Reyes is a young and attractive woman, with a disproportionate ambition, and willing to do anything in order to run away from her past. One day she shows up in Beniaverd, a village marked by corruption, and the world of politics open its doors for her. Virgina soon discovers that ambition is a difficult feeling to deal with, especially in politics, where plans never turn out exactly as one hopes. The answers to all the questions are out of the woods behind the locks that the key 104 opens… Or maybe not.


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